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Dialogue of Trees Hong Kong - Norway

樹語︰香港 - Multimedia Concert

22/11/2015 (Sun) 8:00pm

Y Studio, 2/F Youth Square, Hong Kong


都是樹 — 佇立山脈間,靜候車站旁,簇擁森林內,穿透於石牆裡。長在不一樣的國度,看守每片土地。 我們展開一段段旅程 — 繁忙的公路,喧鬧的城市,壯麗的山脈,湛藍的海岸,樸緻的村莊。在陌生土地的路上,我們期待卻孤寂;唯有樹木散發的原始氣息,稀釋異鄉的寂寞,為旅者帶來歸屬。


相距8587公里的香港、挪威兩地創作單位,以六首當代樂章及互動影像投射,刻畫旅者與樹木的對話,跨媒體展現樹木與人類和城市共生共長的關係。誠邀觀眾緩下急促的步伐,於音樂廳內一同遊歷不一樣的文化旅程,呼吸自然氣息。 香港敲擊樂手Heidi Law與新媒體創作人Vvzela Kook,聯同挪威中提琴手Karoline Vik Hegge及鋼琴手Finn Magnus Fjell Hjelland組成別樹一幟的創作團隊,呈獻挪威作曲家Knut Vaage作品Wir Reisen的亞洲首演,以及Tigran Mansurian, Harald Saeverud 及 Luciano Berio等當代音樂作品,並由Ruud Roelofsen及香港作曲家林儷譜上新曲,以互動影像投射立體展示多彩意境,策劃一場創新的多媒體文化交流際會。

While branches growing through cracks in the wall, their glowing leaves gently exhale fresh scent of summer; with abundance of leaves sheltering our soil, trees watch over every piece of land we live in. We commence journey after journey, on busiest freeways, through dazzling cities, across tranquil mountains, along shiny coast, into distant villages. Every step further on foreign land is exciting yet lonely for wanderers like us, with only the intimacy of trees bringing us belongingness and comfort.


Through contemporary chamber music intertwined with interactive visual projections, musicians and artists from Hong Kong and Norway will be taking the audience on a magical cultural journey in listening to dialogue of trees. Hong Kong based Percussionist Heidi Law, New Media Artist Vvzela Kook, along with Norwegian Violist Karoline Vik Hegge and Pianist Finn Magnus Fjell Hjelland, are going to give a multimedia concert presenting new music with new media art. Program includes Asian premiere of Norwegian composer Knut Vaage's Wir Reisen; works of Tigran Mansurian, Harald Saeverud and Luciano Berio; also commissioned pieces from Ruud Roelofsen and Hong Kong composer Lam Lai.


Prelude on Yesi’s Poetry “Journey” - Lam Lai, for Viola, Percussion and Piano

Tagh to Resurrection: Havik - Tigran Mansurian, for Viola and Percussion

Sonatine - Harald Sæverud, for Viola and Piano

Naturale - Luciano Berio, for Viola, Percussion and Recorded Voice

Seelenklänge VI - Ruud Roelofsen, for Viola, Piano, Percussion and Electronics

Vi Reisir (Wir Reisen, We journey) - Knut Vaage, for Piano and Percussion with recitation, and Computer and amplification


項目概念及策劃 Project Concept & Coordinator︰羅鎧欣 Heidi Law

項目經理Project Manager︰林倩怡 Shirley Lam

中提琴 Viola︰Karoline Vik Hegge

鋼琴 Piano︰Finn Magnus Fjell Hjelland

敲擊樂 Percussion︰羅鎧欣 Heidi Law

新媒體藝術 New Media Art︰曲倩雯 Vvzela Kook

音響設計 Sound Design︰黃健 Wong Kin

攝影 Photographer: Dennis Man

Dialogue of Trees Norway - Hong Kong

樹語︰ 威 - 香港 Multimedia Concert

04.03.2017  Ørlandet Kultursenter, Norway

05.03.2017  Øysteinsalen i Erkebispegården, Norway

08.03.2017  Ole Vig Art High School Stjordal, Norway

10.03.2017   Sund Folkehøgskole, Norway

11.03.2017   Kimen Kulturhus, Norway



Unus - Vvzela Kook, improvisation for Viola, Piano and Percussion

Prelude on Yesi’s Poetry “Journey” - Lam Lai, commissioned for Viola, Piano and Percussion

Tagh to Resurrection: Havik - Tigran Mansurian, for Viola and Percussion

Ink in Water - Tang Ho Ling, for Viola and Vibraphone

The Golden Shield - Henrik Hellstenius, for Viola and Piano

Vi Reisir (WirReisen, We journey) - Knut Vaage, for Viola, Piano and Percussion with recitation, and Computer and amplification

Concert #1 done!
這裡樂團的人手自製Case for vibraphone and marimba

© 2022 by Heidi Law.

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